Saturday, July 25, 2009

Post 4: X Rated!

Well guess what? I decided to go shopping on our way through Eugene this morning but the shop was closed (actually I stopped to look at the map). Then after getting a bit turned around we finally got on the road to Crow trying to find Cindy's covered bridge. And we Did! What a beautiful state we're in. It's so lush with graceful trees and large fields of wheat and corn, acres of Hazel nut trees and tidy farms with an abundance of color.

We came north from Crow on the Territorial Hwy all the way to Corvalis with barely a car but several logging trucks. We stopped in Monroe for lunch at The Sweet Spot and it was a delightful place with good food and it was very clean. From Corvalis to McMinville we opted for 99W north and regretted the stress of heavy traffic. We tried to book a room at a nice hotel in old town but they were full for the International Pinot Noir weekend. We're at the Comfort Inn and it is comfortable.

The car has developed a front end dance that I'll work on in the morning. Did I mention I had to replace a battery cable in Cottage Grove, and it was the cause of all the pushing and shoving as far back as Redding? We dined on Ice berg and Chef Boy R Dee at an Italian place that had no wine or beer, but Judy wanted meat balls. Oh well? Tomorrow.........Maybe Mt. St. Helens, Mt. Rainier or who knows where we'll be.

Steve & Judy on the road

Coyote Creek bridge, built in 1922

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for photographing 'my' bridge, S&J! Wish I had my Coupe there for a photo op. History for the rest of you; in 1945 my grandfather moved the family from WI to OR where they lived for about 2 years - the farm was just beyond this bridge. Incidentally, they moved BACK to WI!
